Modern Minimalist Design Italy House Horizontal Style

By Elly → Sep 26, 2011

Here are a modern minimalist design italy house horizontal style. Designed by architect Damilano Studio, it is home to the mountain with horizontal space in Italy. The house is located in the Piedmont region of northwestern Italy, in the town of Cuneo. The exterior minimalist house filled with snow. The wall is painted white, the same as outside. It looks like the one with the outside.

Composistion horizontal space is pure high-volume constant, they move horizontally and emptied or filled according to the function. At the level of the garage and basement storage room game.

On the ground floor, there is a large living room is covered with wooden floors and a series of public spaces and private. The kitchen is connected by a long horizontal window with outside view, while the house is connected by another window and frame to the surrounding hollow.

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Jillur Rahman

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