Chic and Elegance Scrollwork Candleholder

By Elly → Oct 29, 2011

Here are a chic and elegance Scrollwork candleholder. Chandeliers used mostly in living room or dining rooms so that they can be admired by everyone. This cute chandelier is actually a candleholder of some sort and it has a simpler look while still being chic and glamorous. Unlike many other similar items, this one has a beautiful antique finish that makes it a little more versatile than other models.

The chandelier measures 9 ¼’’ in diameter and it’s 23 ¾’’ long. It’s actually smaller than you would expect and this makes it even more versatile as it can be used in smaller rooms as well, like a chic bedroom for example, a kitchen maybe or, like someone said, in a prices castle or playhouse, even nursery. The piece features an antique shabby chic white finish so it’s very similar to what the picture shows, if not even better I would say. The candles are not included.

It’s easy to integrate into almost any type of décor thanks to its delicate silhouette and tempered details. It’s the type of chandelier that has a timeless look and it would still be an eye-catching element in your home even 10 years from now. You’re going to love it. You can buy this gracious chandelier for the special price of $15.22.

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Jillur Rahman

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