Unique Home Design Combining Antique and Classic Style

By Elly → Oct 28, 2011

This is unique home design combining antique and classic Style. The combination was very great. This home design was very good, it’s combining two different style of home design. The interior is more traditional and has a lot of old elements. Note the wooden ceilings with exposed beams, stone floor of the dining room, beautiful stone fireplace in the room, the wooden floor of the rest of the house, traditional rugs and beautiful chandeliers. These are all strong elements that can not be overlooked.

However, although the interior seems to be filled with antique, modern technologies are. It is a workable compromise. Now let us turn to the decoration. The room is spacious and has white walls. As for the furniture, most is for example the old leather chair or side table that has been done in an old trunk. The room is especially beautiful. It is extraordinarily large and has a traditional rug that covers part of the wood floor. The exposed ceiling beams are a hallmark of the entire house. Moreover, so are the windows, with wooden pain in the same color as the ceiling and floor. Besides the bed, there are also several other chair sitting there. Even the lamp is old.


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Jillur Rahman

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